
ACT Media Training

Improving your on-camera performance.

Our Media Training teaches you how to use your words, tone, and body language to deliver your message in a powerful and authentic way on screen. When you are speaking on television, the audience is taking in all the messages you are communicating with your voice, body and mind. We work with re-setting these 3 fundamentals of communication so you are able to communicate your message on camera in a natural and effective way.

We create a relaxed and safe environment where you are able to practice ACT authentic’s tried and tested communication techniques, with opportunities to watch yourself back on camera and take on feedback as we work with you to improve your performance capabilities. We develop your confidence speaking within media whether it’s in an interview format, over live radio or television. We always tailor our media training to your specific needs so it can be applied directly to your next PR project.

Sessions Include;

1. Learn how to speak in an engaging way to connect to your audience with the power of your authenticity.

2. Define and communicate your key messages clearly and concisely.

3. Becoming aware of your own distracting on-camera habits and learn how to overcome nervous energy.

4. Develop responses to difficult questions and an approach to dealing with the unknown in interviews/Q&A formats.



London Zone 1 In-House Filming Studio

Media Training sessions take place at our in-house professional filming studio: Studio 220 Brick Lane (or at your workplace if preferred). ACT authentic is in partnership with Studio 220 Brick Lane which allows us to work with their professional and award nominated Production Team to offer you a full service Media Training programme. Whether you need to fill in the gaps in your next PR project or required a full ‘end-to-end’ Media Package (From refining the message, scripting, coaching your on screen performance, filming, to editing and producing the final video[s]) we are able to tailor our services to your business needs.  

Studio Gallery

Please get in touch by clicking on the CONNECT button above. We look forward to hearing about your PR communication needs at your free face-to-face consultation.