The Art of Storytelling

Storytelling for Business; connect and affect your audience with the power of story.

Stories are irresistible to the human mind: our brains are hardwired to understand and store information in the form of stories. Applying storytelling principles to your business can be a powerful way to make valuable connections to your audience, create engaging conversations and build successful relationships with current and potential clients.

We facilitate your team to create your unique business story and equip delegates with essential storytelling skills. Whether you need help in crafting and communicating One Overall Company Story or techniques to bring case studies to life, we can create a tailored workshop to serve your business goals and needs.

We use the ‘Storywheel’ to simplify the complex and land your message. Our sessions ensure clarity of the Idea and transform ‘brochure style’ information into real and meaningful presentations and conversations. We work with each delegate to establish their connection to the subject so they can deliver their story with presence and authenticity; engaging their audience with interest and encouraging stakeholder ‘buy-in’ to bring about new business prospects and opportunities.

Sessions Include;

  • Training in resetting the foundations of effective communication (Body, Breath, Voice and Mind), giving the delegates the optimal starting point for their communication tasks.

  • Practise rising to the occasion. Learn to harness adrenaline and nerves to energise you for your best performance.

  • How to use their body, vocal equipment and surroundings to their advantage.

  • Rehearse and polish their public presentation with individualised feedback and re-direction.

  • Developing their authentic communication style; bringing to the fore each delegate’s unique offering so they can connect and affect their audience.

  • Become a skilled storyteller in order to influence hard-to-win audiences.

Please get in touch by clicking on the CONNECT button above. We look forward to discussing your communication needs at your free Zoom consultation.